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Principal Investigator:

Shadab Rahman, Ph.D.

Contact Us:

(857) 307-7378

Determining the role of photic and non-photic time cues in resetting circadian rhythms in humans

What we are studying

We want to learn more about how light and behaviors, such as eating, affect the body’s internal clock. This internal clock controls your daily cycles of sleep, body temperature, hormones, and performance.

Why it is important

We hope that this research will contribute to the development of recommendations for healthy light exposure and eating schedules and guide treatment strategies for circadian rhythm disruption, for example in shift workers.

Who can participate

We are looking for healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 30 to participate inĀ our study.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Aged between 18-35 years
  • Healthy (no medical, psychiatric, or sleep disorders);
  • Able to maintain an 8-hour consistent sleep schedule during the study
  • Able to refrain from caffeine, alcohol, medication, and supplements during the study
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